Autumn & Aromatherapy: How to enjoy the smells of this season
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Autumn & Aromatherapy: How to enjoy the smells of this season

Autumn in the United Kingdom typically spans from September to November. During this season, the weather starts to cool down, leaves on deciduous trees change colour and drop, and the days become shorter as we transition from summer to winter. It's the colder and wetter weather in these months that means we need to keeps the doors and windows shut, which means the air in our homes needs to be treated/freshened up by things such as diffusers, candles, etc. With this in mind, we want to discuss the changes we can make in these months to enjoy this time of year and everything it brings.

The scents of Autumn

Autumn is often associated with a variety of distinct and nostalgic smells that evoke the season's unique atmosphere. Some of the smells commonly associated with autumn include:

Crisp Leaves: The scent of fallen, dry leaves on the ground is one of the most iconic autumn smells. It's a musty, earthy aroma that can be quite pleasant.

Bonfires: Many people associate autumn with the smell of burning wood and leaves from bonfires, which are often used for Halloween (Tuesday 31st October) or Bonfire night (Sunday 5th November) gatherings.

Pumpkin Spice: The spicy and warm fragrance of pumpkin spice, commonly found in pumpkin pies, lattes, and other baked goods, is a quintessential autumn scent.

Apple Orchards: The aroma of ripe apples in orchards is a delightful part of the autumn experience. It's fresh and fruity.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is often used in autumn recipes, such as apple pies and spiced beverages, contributing to the cosy and warming aroma.

Spices: Other spices like nutmeg, cloves, and allspice are frequently used in autumn cooking and baking, and they add to the season's olfactory charm.

Cool, Crisp Air: The smell of cool, crisp, and sometimes damp air is another characteristic autumn scent. It can be invigorating and refreshing.

Earth and Soil: The damp, earthy smell of soil and the sound of fallen leaves underfoot are part of the sensory experience of autumn.

Rain: Autumn often brings rain, the pleasant smell that rises from the earth after a fresh rain, is a recognizable and comforting scent of the season.

How can aromatherapy help in these autumn months?

Aromatherapy can be a beneficial and enjoyable practice during the autumn months for a variety of reasons. Here's how aromatherapy can help enhance your well-being and create a cosy atmosphere during this season:

Seasonal Comfort: Certain aromas, such as cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg, are associated with autumn and can evoke feelings of warmth and comfort. Using these scents can create a cosy atmosphere in your home.

Creating Autumn Vibes: Aromatherapy allows you to bring the scents of autumn indoors. Essential oils like cedarwood, pine, and fir needle can recreate the aroma of a forest, and spicy scents like clove and cinnamon can evoke the feeling of autumn (Elizabeth Grace, How to create an aromatherapy nook: 8 expert tips | (

Mood Enhancement: Aromatherapy using certain essential oils can help improve your mood. Scents like lavender, citrus (e.g. sweet orange, lemon), and peppermint can have uplifting and energizing effects, which can be particularly helpful during the shorter, darker days of autumn (Essential Oils (100% Pure) | Ivy Diffuser (

Stress Relief: Many people experience increased stress as the summer months transition into autumn, especially if they're returning to work or school after a break. Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, and frankincense are known for their calming and stress-relieving properties.

Immune Support: As the weather gets colder, people are more susceptible to seasonal illnesses. Essential oils like eucalyptus and tea tree oil have antimicrobial properties and can be used in aromatherapy to support your immune system (Essential Oils for Immunity: Can They Help the Immune System? (

Allergy Relief: For those who suffer from allergies during the fall, essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender can help with congestion and allergy symptoms when diffused or inhaled (Oils to Ease Allergies | Florida Sinus & Snoring Specialists (

Better Sleep: The soothing and relaxing scents of essential oils like lavender and chamomile can promote better sleep, which can be especially helpful as daylight hours decrease.

Keep the home air fresh in Autumn

Keeping the air at home fresh is essential for your comfort and overall well-being, this becomes harder when you cannot leave windows and doors open to circulate fresh air in to the home. Here are some ways so that you can maintain fresh indoor air:

Air Purifiers: Consider using air purifiers with HEPA filters or activated carbon filters to remove airborne pollutants, allergens, and odours. Make sure to choose a purifier that suits your specific needs.

Use Natural Fragrances: Opt for natural scents, such as essential oils or simmering pots with herbs and spices, to add pleasant aromas to your home.

Houseplants: Certain indoor plants, like spider plants, snake plants, and peace lilies, can help improve indoor air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. Just be mindful of any allergies to plants or pets. We bought some from Shop Air Purifying Kokedama Houseplants Online – Tranquil Plants.

Keep Pets Clean: Regularly groom and bathe your pets to reduce shedding and dander. Wash their bedding and clean their living areas.

Regular Cleaning: Dust, vacuum, and mop your home regularly to remove dust, pet dander, and other particles that can accumulate in your home.

Control Humidity: Maintain the right humidity level in your home (ideally between 30% to 50%) to prevent mould growth and keep the air comfortable. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas, and consider using a humidifier in dry environments during the winter.

Ventilation: We know this may not be possible at times, but if you can then proper ventilation is crucial to keep indoor air fresh. Open windows and doors regularly to allow fresh outdoor air to circulate through your home. Use extractor fans in kitchens and bathrooms to remove stale air.

The best ways to enjoy aromatherapy

To incorporate aromatherapy into your autumn routine, you can use essential oils in various ways:

Diffusers: Use an essential oil diffuser to disperse the scent throughout a room.

Candles: Choose candles scented with essential oils for a dual purpose of aromatherapy and lighting.

Room Sprays: Create your own room sprays by diluting essential oils with water in a spray bottle.

Topical Application: Some essential oils can be applied topically, but be sure to dilute them properly with a carrier oil.

Bath Soaks: Add a few drops of essential oil to your bath for a soothing and aromatic experience.

To conclude…

The itch to be outside and spend time making the most of it has vanished. The days are shorter, the heat is fading off and the potentially wet weather filling up the forecast, autumn is naturally a time for us all to spend more time at home. Therefore, creating a cosy and calm aromatherapy retreat in our own homes where is a simple way to feel happier and more relaxed. We hope you make the most of it, the seasonal changes are part of this earth’s beauty and we can use them to improve our lives.

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